Tuesday 20 January 2015

Relax Relax Relax

When you think of relaxing what comes to mind going for a facial, having a makeover, sharing a nice glass of wine with a good friend, reading a book in a nice comfy chair, going for a nice meal, going for a walk, a nice long massage.  I would take all of them today if I could.
Did you ever notice certain words, when you hear them make you feel or make you think of relaxing, 
  1. Mellow
  2. Relax
  3. Melting
  4. Distress
  5. Serenity
  6. Quite
  7. Massage
"Ah I nearly feel relaxed already"
After a long Christmas running around trying to make everyone happy, a lot of eating a lot of partying I need a nice long day for me for some relaxing, does anyone else feel the same? 

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