Tuesday 7 October 2014

This is the end of buying bad presents

Every Birthday, Christmas, Communion, Weddings, Anniversary, really any occasion I dreaded, Why you may ask, its not because of spending money on presents or spending the time in shops or online looking for presents I really enjoy that bit, its the bit when there opening the presents, its the look on my friends and family's face's when they open my present. I even try and get out of there before they come to my present, as I know I always get it wrong or I get the most inappropriate gift. But not this year I'm going to make it my mission to get the best present, I want my family & friends to be excited when opening my present, there going to have real smiles on there faces instead of the fake ah no she done it again smile's.
Come follow me on my best present buying/giving journey. From Abbie Gift Experience Vouchers at Golden Moments - Europe's Number 1 Gift Experience company

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